Nutrition Information

Cholesterol Comparisons Chart


  • For good measure,  rabitat logoadds vitamins and minerals dogs and cats need to ensure a healthy lifestyle.
  • Rabitat takes extra care to ensure that our products are free of pathogenic bacteria.

Nutrition Information About Rabbit Meat

  • All rabbit meat is white meat.
  • Rabbit is only 795 calories per pound, very favorable compared to chicken at 810, veal at 840, turkey at 1190, lamb at 1420, beef at 1440 and pork at 2050.
  • The highest percentage of protein is found in rabbit
  • Containing 63% of the total fatty acids, rabbit has a lower percentage of fat than chicken, turkey, beef, or pork with unsaturated fatty acids.
  • Rabbit meat’s cholesterol level is much lower than chicken, turkey, beef, pork.
  • According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture, domestic rabbit meat is the most nutritious meat known to man.
  • Rabbit meat has been recommended for special diets such as for heart disease patients, diets for the elderly, low sodium diets, and weight reduction diets according to various research.
  • Rabbit meat has been recommended by doctors for patients who have trouble eating other meats because it is easily digested.
  • Rabbit meat greatly compares to veal for favorability.

* For good measure, there is added vitamins and mineral dogs and cats need to ensure a healthy life style
* Rabitat takes extra care to ensure that our products are free of pathogenic bacteria.
* Rabitat- patties include ground bone in the proper proportion that your dog and cat would have enjoyed in the wild. Raw bone is an excellent source of mineral, essential fatty acids, proteins and enzymes. They are also a balanced source of calcium and phosphorus, and a natural source of chondroitin for joint health.
*Rabitat- provides complete and balanced nutrition for dogs and cats, all life stages all and all breeds.
* Extremely palatable
*Food choices are the most important daily decisions we make for our health and well-being, and it's not any different when it comes to feeding our pets.

Key Benefits:

Made without grain, a common trigger for dogs with sensitive stomachs
Omega acids help to nourish skin and coat.
Vitamin A and taurine are essential in support of healthy eyes

In the wild, dogs and cats will go after anything that runs, flies or swims. Dogs and cats are what we like to call meat-eaters. That is why Rabitat is 98% rabbit. That is a lot of meat. It is a grain free rotational diet dogs and cats are sure to love.